Today, I got to be with one of my favorite people in the world and from my days at HGA, Debra Barnes. Debi has moved on to being a VP and GM at Henricksen, but we’ve kept in touch during my COO role at Sweets Kendamas, LLC and then in my current role at Cultural Strategies, LLC. Debi was instrumental to my development at HGA; offering thinking that helped me figure out my next steps or helping me hear opposing ideas that I should be thinking about before taking that next step – all of those tough things we never think about or talk about as life and work-life unfold, but which are detrimental to our maturity if we don’t pay attention to them. Always supporting, always intelligent, always a mentor. Debi has been invaluable in my life and I thank my lucky stars to have become her friend through this growth! I pray you can find a mentor that believes in you just as much as Debi believed in me 10 years ago.