What in the Heck are DUMB Goals?!

We’re so systematized to make Yearly Goals that are SMART Goals, that we forget that there are some things more important than metrics. In my coaching and consulting practice, I help people understand that there are such things as DUMB Goals that make a world of good happen. And for that, I turn to Motivational Speaker, Brendon Burchard, CEO of GrowthDay for the answer (https://lnkd.in/eYzFNtrU) and his video on DUMB Goals (https://lnkd.in/evMK6DHW). I’ve since come to believe that we need both SMART and DUMB Goals and that DUMB Goals should trump every time. Brendon is “hi-octane” certainly, but I’ve actually come to love that about him and what he brings to our world. We need someone who lives “hi-octane” to help us make the changes our world needs and who can help us understand DUMB Goals in the best way possible. Brendon wasn’t always this way, but he became this way after suffering a major relationship loss and experiencing a devasting car accident – both things that almost ended his life – all in the same year.

SMART Goals – Definition:

S = Specific – Clearly Identifiable, consisting of questions such as: What do I want to accomplish, Why is the goal important? Who is involved?

M = Measurable – Create the Boundaries, comprised of questions like: How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished?

A = Achievable – Realistic, but a Stretch, containing questions about: How can I accomplish this goal? How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as financial factors?

R = Relevant – Ensuring the Goal, involving questions like: Does this seem worthwhile? Is this the right time? Does this match my other efforts and needs? Am I the right person for this?

T = Time-Bound – Setting the Target Date, requiring setting parameters: When? What can I do six months from now? What can I do six weeks from now? What can I do today?

DUMB Goals – Definition:

D = Dream-Driven: Set the Dream up. Start with the Dream, the “How” will come later.

U = Uplifting: Set up your Passions. Not scarcity mentaility. It is a Gain to life. What fires you up?

M = Method-Friendly: Create a Practice that surrounds it to make it happen easier. How do you get there? Create a method that allows you to live in that goal consistently. “Forms” training. (For me, after reading Melody Wilding’s book, Trust Yourself, I was inspired to dye part of my hair Teal. Every time I look in the mirror, I’m reminded that my DUMB Goal is to create teams that are ready for Teal Organizational Paradigm. My big “WHY.” It’s not there for others, it’s there for me – a reminder of my life purpose. Yes, I’m a cool granny who plays kendama, is in my 60s, and who’s hair is teal, but more than anything else, it’s there to remind me that “My life is my Message.”)

B = Behavior-Driven: Set up Triggers to attain the Goal. Figure out where Triggers can be set and can happen instinctively. Figure out the Behaviors to set on the Triggers. Practice Presence of the Goal and live in it, every day.

Why do we feel the need to create yearly goals that have metrics attached to them? “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it,” attributed to Peter Drucker (although Zach First, Executive Director of the Drucker Institute says that Drucker never actually said that). Actually, he said something much more profound, but I’ll let you read that here – much better in Drucker’s own words (Thanks Paul Zak for this great “ah-ha!”) Sure, there are times when it makes sense to measure and adjust. I’m not advocating for getting rid of SMART Goals, believe me – but I’m asking – are there any DUMB Goals that life is hinting at for you?

After a meeting of some global minds this afternoon on helping our world accelerate into Teal Paradigm Mindset for new organizational development (four of us were from the US, one from Sweden, one from Canada, one from Australia), I decided to take another look at my 2022 Goals. I soon thereafter scrapped everything I’d written in December 2021 and now these goals line my office instead. Short, sweet, expansive, healing – resonating everywhere. Will you join me?
