Author: Margaret Ricci

A little over three years ago, I answered the call of the next step in my intuitive future as I worked with the then-CEO, Bill Shepard, and EVP, Laura Weikle of the COO Forum® to create the first-ever…
Gen Zs
Gen Z! I’m celebrating Gen Zs! The American City Business Journals‘ Associate Editor Marq Burnett explores this new generation in the workforce. In the interview, Marq discusses the context around Gen Zs with Amy Leschke-Kahle, VP of Performance…
We’re so systematized to make Yearly Goals that are SMART Goals, that we forget that there are some things more important than metrics. In my coaching and consulting practice, I help people understand that…
Team rowing
Philip Liebman, MLAS Great thoughts on leadership for our new way of doing business: agile and co-creative inside our organizations, as well as in the external world. My favorite quote here (there were lots of…